Sunday 3 November 2013

'I don't read'...

A phrase, unfortunately, that I often hear.
When I ask the question: 'What's your favourite book?' or 'What are you reading at the moment?' and I am answered with 'Oh I don't read', it makes me want to smack them round the head... with a book (just to be ironically annoying!).
Now you may be thinking:
'This girl, who is she? Why's she telling me I should be reading?'
I'm not.
I understand, more than most, the importance of opinions and certain tastes, and understand that reading is not for everyone. If you have genuinely tried reading and gone into it positively, thinking: 'I'm going to like this book'. Rather than thinking: 'I know i'm going to hate this.' Chosen a book you think you'll like and genuinely not enjoyed it, that is absolutely fine.
But if you've not even tried. If you've picked up any random book, even if you know it's not going to be for you, or even just gone on the book you've studied in english (and I mean come on, even I'll admit, they choose pretty crappy books) read a page, and thought: 'meh, can't be bothered.' Then sorry, but no. *Teacher voice* That's not good enough!
Also, the phrase: 'I don't read'?! I've heard you. You can read. So that's just lying.

So! What is the point in this blog post? Well, I shall tell you! It is to give you five simple ways of finding a good book, and getting lost in it. If you are reading this, not having read much, but want to, then this is for you. If you are reading this, and you normally say: 'I don't read' this is for you. If you are reading this, and have tried reading, but don't like it... this isn't for you... sorry... maybe another blog post eh?
5 simple ways of finding a good book!:

1) Go to a nice bookshop. This might sound odd, but if you go to a horrible one, you'll feel less inclined to stay and find a book. Finding a good book takes time, especially if you're not used to it, so you want to go somewhere that's welcoming, and not like school. (that's another thing, school libraries are nothing like bookshops, so don't let the librarian that eats you if you're book is 42seconds overdue scare you away from proper bookshops!).

2) Go to the section aimed at your age. Normally there are signs that say ages, so if you're 13, go to the 11-13 section, if you're a teenager go to the teenage section, and if you're a toddler, you're on the wrong website, and were probably looking for Peppa Pig.
This may sound like an obvious step, but reading something that is too old or young for you, can put you off a book, because it'll be either boring and predictable, or boring and 'what does that mean?!'. Also, the older books handle some slightly more advanced themes, I think if I went home with a book called 'The Vampire that got ripped to pieces in it's sleep', when I was 12, my mum probably would've taken it back.

3) Think about what sort of genre you like. If you're not used to reading, and don't know, think about the types of films you normally go for. For example if your favourite film is 'Transformers' you'll want to look in the sci-fi/adventure section.  You don't want to be reading a book about an exploding toilet, if you love Doctor Who, is what I'm saying.
Another good thing to think about is what person you like to read in. For example, I like to read books in first person, so I tend to go for diary type books, or auto-biographies. Auto-biographies, believe it or not, are classed as books *gasps* I know! So if you love Cheryl Cole, read her auto-biography!
Lastly, think about a film you love, that came from a book, such as The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. If you love the film version, chances are, you'll love the book, which will also be the original, and have scenes in it that weren't in the film, sort of like bonus features but better!

4) Once you've found your book, read the first page, before buying it. If it's got you hooked already, it'll be for you! But if you're not so sure, put it back and find another one.

5) Buy the book. Once you've bought it, go home, grab a drink and a biscuit find a quiet, comfy place (lying on your bed maybe?), and read it. If you love it, and the author's written more, buy them. If it's a series, read the rest.
However, if you didn't like it. Maybe you did choose the wrong book, in which case, don't worry! Just find another one! Or, maybe reading really isn't for you, it's okay, it happens, at least you've tried (unlike some people).

Happy Reading!

Love Elspeth x

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