Saturday 2 November 2013


Hello there! I'm Elspeth *waves* and this, I guess, is my weekly blog!
Not going to lie, I'm kind of scared, but it should be fun, and get me off of tumblr for a bit!

This is my blog. It's not really a certain type of blog, more just a bit of everything, and anything I feel like talking (most probably ranting!) about. This could be music, fashion, thoughts, beauty, or just a very good meal I've had out!

So why now?
Well, I was out with my parents, having a coffee (well they had a coffee, I had a cake!) and we were talking about how there aren't really any good magazines for girls my age (15), and that they're either not very serious/a bit young for me, or a bit too old/a bit boring! So my parents said I should start a blog, to fill this 'hole in the market' as my mum put it.
So here I am!
(If you were expecting some kind of inspirational story of how it came to me in a dream, or how I feel this is the reason I was put on this earth...sorry...but that's it!)

Who even are you?
Okay so I realise that if you have stumbled across this blog (how I don't know, because it's probably on the very last page of Google, which is where no-one goes, unless they are desperately trying to find research for their homework) you will have absolutely no clue who I am, and are probably going
'who even is this girl?!'
If this is so, I suggest you go and look at the 'About me' blog-post that I will do soon, for a more detailed idea of me. But for this blog post, my first blog post, I will write five facts about me (mostly because I need something to fill up the space, so it's not a really short, crappy little 'blog post'.
1) I love Harry Potter, I am, in fact, a Potterhead. People who know me, probably never want to hear the H or the P word again because they have heard it enough from me. Everyday. All day. Non-stop.
2) I have blue/grey eyes, and dirty-blonde hair. And I hate it. Well not hate it, I'd just rather have brighter blue eyes, or green eyes, and light blonde hair. But hey ho, that's the way things go!
3) I love anything and everything in the world of vintage. Proper vintage things. Not shabby-chic. I'm going to make that very clear. (this will most probably be a blog-post sometime!)
4) Most of my friends have never heard of any of the music I listen to. And, to be honest, I like it that way. (This will also probably be a blog post sometime too!)
5) I love having both boys and girls as friends. Quite often I think that boys actually make better friends than girls. (This will also be a blog-post sometime  let's just presume, for now, that everything will most probably be a blog-post sometime!)

So that's it.
I hope my one reader (this is how many people I'm guessing are reading my blog) enjoy it, and that I can be bothered to make this a weekly thing.

Love Elspeth x