Sunday 10 November 2013

'Sugar and spice, and everything bitchy'...

When you were younger, it didn't matter who you hung around with, or why you hung around with them.
You never had arguments, just teeny squabbles about who gets to use the least chewed green crayon for their drawing of a butterfly.
No fake rumours.
No back-stabbing.
No bitching.
And best of all? You could be friends with as many boys as you wanted, without anyone accusing you of flirting.

But once you get to high school? BAM. That's gone.

 I've always got along with boys. I've always been good friends with them, most of my boy-friends (friends that are boys) are still my friends from Infant School (11 years ago!). Of course I have friends that are girls too, and I talk and hang around with them a lot, and they're brilliant friends, but boys are just so much less drama!
Let me paint you a picture...

Girls: Person a to person b) 'Oh I hate *person c* I never talk to them. But they really get on my nerves. I hate her so much. I'm going to start spreading rumours about her, even though she's done nothing wrong, and nothing directly to me. And I'm telling you all of this even though you're her best friend, and are probably going to tell her, but I don't care.'
*Person c tells person b*) 'Person a hates you!'
*Person b*) 'I'm going to tell her I hate her too, but I'm going to ask you to do it, instead of saying it to her face because I want this to drag out for the longest amount of time possible, and blow this way out of proportion.'
*Person b tells person a*) 'Person C hates you too.'
*Person a*) 'I'm now going to spread a completely untrue, and unbelievable rumour around the whole school.'
*Whole school hears about it* Boys: I don't even care, it's stupid, lets go chuck someone's bag in a bin.
 Girls: I care. I'm going to get involved even though none of this concerns me. Then we'll all take sides, leaving the people who are friends with both in an annoying situation, claim we're going to fight eachother, pull eachothers hair, then make up, and then be best friends forever.'
The End

Boys: Person a to person b) 'I hate person C'
Person b) 'So do I'
Person a) 'Cool'
The End

It's not just drama though - oh no! It's how irritating they can be.
For example, if girl asks you what's wrong they either:
-Only want to know so they can get the gossip (70%)
-Actually want to know because they're worried about you (10%)
-Will keep pestering you until you tell them what's wrong, even if you say 'go away... just to get the gossip (20%)

But if a boy asks you what's wrong they either:
-Actually care (90%)
-Leave you alone because you don't look in the best of moods (5%)
-Ask you once, and if you ask them to 'go away' they actually do (5%)

Can you now see where I'm coming from?!

And then there are friendship groups...

When you get to high school, you pretty much have a different 'friendship group' every year. By friendship group I mean the people you spend every break and lunch with, most probably walk home with and/or to school with, and talk to the most.
I know I've had a lot of different ones each year, and it can be very hard at first, because for a long time you don't really know where you 'belong' or who your real friends are.
I'm friends with basically everyone in my year, and will talk to almost all of them, but they doesn't mean they do too, so most of the main people I talk to are in completely different 'friendship groups', which can make it hard to decide which one you're in.
You swap around each break and lunch, deciding who to go with that day, which can actually be fine with you, but they can get annoyed, because they don't know who you're 'with'.

I think it's all part of growing up, and I was very unsure, up until recently, who my friendship group was going to be with.
But I've now 'found' one, and out of all of them in our year, it is the most varied in gender and personality, I'd say, or at least one of them. Which brings me back to my original point.
Boys make the best friends.
Not necessarily for everyone.
But for me, yes.
And guess what?
No amount of bitchy comments about supposed flirting are going to make me change my mind on that, so you may as well give up now!

If you're thinking that this blog post was completely pointless - it was and it wasn't.
I wrote it,
a) Because I needed to rant about it, because it's something that really irritates me
b) Because I felt some people needed to understand it
and c) Because I needed something to write a blog post about...
So I really hope that when you were reading this, you were either thinking,
'Yes! Oh my gosh yes! I understand all of this! Finally, someone who gets me!'
'Oh. I'm one of those people who accuses people of flirting/cause a load of unnecessary drama, maybe i should stop.'

If you were thinking either one of these, thankyou. I have now done something a tiny bit more worthwhile than watching Youtube.

Elspeth x

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