Saturday, 22 November 2014

what's 9 + 10?

Dear Annie,

Happy birthday pal!
21 (twenny wan) is a big ol' age therefore a big ol' present is due and, although not as good as your future sausage dog, I thought perhaps this and a few other things may be satisfactory!
Sausage dog turntable

So join me on this magical journey through the world of us, the Glimmer Twins, in a compilation of all of our greatest moments, things we say/do, photos and much more....

let's go...

So our first destination is quite rightly the one that is the most 'us'. Here I have accumulated some of our favourite videos that we frequently quote from.... the only thing is I haven't named the links so you have no idea what they could be - ooooo - enjoyyy

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   1

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   2

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   9

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   18

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   19

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   20

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   twenny wan

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   22

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   23

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   24

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   25

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   26

I am now imagining we are currently wiping our eyes from laughter after watching all of those, so as we do so, and mum and dad continue to not understand any of what they've just witnessed, let us proceed...
paloma faith upside down. Paloma Faith middot; amp;lt;3

Our next destination is a group of simply the best photos, a photo album if you like, of us - aaahhh - because, after all, we are such a beautiful pair of punk rockers

The Paralympics 2012 - Flag Sw$g

Warner Bros Studio Tour London - Harry Potter - 2012 

Waddeston - Summer 2013 - *louise voice* oh, so young

Summer 2014 ft. car 'nd gangstas innit

Summer 2014 ft. car and me pushing you out because I am still and forever will be the better sister soz m8

Summer 2014 ft. car (ha remember dad chucking the cap down the side of the car?)

Summer 2014 - Iconic picture 

Summer 2014 - RIP cap that was later chucked

Summer 2013 - a photo of me taking a photo... photo-seption

Summer 2013 - crabbing with...cooked chicken...

Summer 2013 ft. donkey that probably likes me more than you lols

Summer 2013 the luggage barrier so I can't see ur face 

Summer 2014 need I give a caption for this?

Summer 2013 the luggage barrier part 2

Summer 2014 - again another picture with no caption needed

Summer 2014 deep convo yo

Summer 2014 bored as

Summer 2014 ft. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (chitty chitty *jemima* BANG BANG!)

Summer 2013 jumping dem waves

Summer 2014 photo-seption part two ft. bus

Our final destination is one you've probably been waiting for and one I certainly cannot miss out...

(^^they're links incase you didn't notice^^) Funny 21 Vine

And that, my very old friend (with very old ears) brings us to the end of this wonderful tour of our sister-ship
wasn't that beautiful?



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