Thursday, 29 May 2014

So long it's been!

This is me assuming I still have the one reader I had when I kept on top of this blog.
Why do I say that, I hear you nobody say?
Well. I say that because I haven't exactly posted anything for 3 months...

This may or may not be because I had absolutely no clue on what to write...
Truth be told I honestly thought it was rubbish and nobody read it (which it is but shush). I didn't know what people liked, and I didn't feel I had enough readers to say:
'What do you guys want from me? I have so many fans now, the requests will definitely come pilling in and I'll be happy and you'll be happy and I'll be good at blogging and the world will be one big happy place with unicorns and rainbows and kittens yaaaaay!! *cue Living on a Prayer*'

So I decided to wait until I had a ground breaking idea. Which didn't happen. For three months.


So. I have an idea.
I'm going to try and document my life.

//bear with me//

Every month I'm going to try and choose something that happened to me in that month. This could be a new experience, an old experience, a review of a book or meal I had out ANYTHING.
I may do it more than once a month, but by setting a realistic posting day, I'm more likely to post more often.

If this doesn't work.
I'll wait another three months and try again.

Feel free to leave now if you hate this idea and honestly could not care less about anything that happens in my life...


Bye! x