Saturday, 28 December 2013

How to: Memory Jar...

Okay right. First things first - yes I did make/take the photo above, yes I do realise it's pants but hey. I tried.
Second, I have never done this sort of thing before, so if I miss something out, I am terribly sorry. Once again, I tried.
And third things realise I haven't done a blog post in a while - but a) I'm back now, b) I have a life that does not always revolve around this blog, c) There is this thing called Christmas, and Christmas tv which happened to have happened recently, and d) I have a cracker of a blog for you. So be excited.

Okay now that's covered, let us crack on!

As you may have now guessed, this is going to be a tutorial-y type of thing. I really enjoy making things, so I thought I'd make something and turn it into a post too! That is what I'd call a 'Creative-double-whammy'!.
In this particular creative-double-whammy, I'm showing you how you can have one of these marvellous creations called a 'memory jar' for yourself!
'What is a memory jar?' I hear you say - well, a memory jar, is a jar full of memories (they call me Sherlock).
Throughout the year (starting on the 1st of January) you write something good/a good memory that has happened on that day, on a slip of paper, and put it in the jar. You keep doing this throughout the course of the year, and on New Year's Eve, you open the jar, and read all of the nice things that happened that year - aaah, beautiful!
Now before you start calling me the Queen of good ideas - the overall idea...wasn't mine. Yep.
As you already know, I spend a lot of my time on tumblr, and that is where this idea came from. I'm not sure who first thought of this idea, but whoever you are - I bow to you *bows*. However, the little ideas of what you could make it out of/what you could decorate it with are, in fact my own:)

You may also be thinking 'why are you showing me how to make this when it's not even the New Year?' well, I shall tell you.
I decided to make this post now because, being the kind of child who always has/always is making things, I realise the frustration involved when trying to find a jar, if that is what the creation involves. Waiting 3 weeks for the jar of jam to be empty, and then coming home from school to find it's been thrown away is INFURIATING. So, I thought I would tell you about it in advance, so you have time to find/wait for a jar (or two if the first is thrown away...)
'Wow Elspeth, how considerate of you!'
'Thanks, I thought so!'

Things you'll need:

- An empty jar: could be a bottle (a wine bottle, even an old fashioned coke bottle!) a big sweetie jar, a jam jar etc
- Felt tip pens: or any kind of colourful/decorative pens, such as gel pens (if you do use those, use the smelly ones, not for any particular reason, just because I say so. I love them - especially pineapple flavour!)
- Sticky labels: Pretty or plain. It doesn't matter if you only have the plain kind, you can decorate them later.
- Chalk labels (optional): I found these and thought they'd make a nice alternative. If you desperately want to buy some, I got mine from Staples in the Martha Stewart range (all hail Martha Stewart. Goddess of mint coloured stationary)
- Braids/bracelets, ribbons, short scarves etc: Anything you can find, really, that would look nice tied around your jar.


1) Find a jar. Two weeks and a lot of jam and toast later, you will have an empty jar.
2) Wash the jar out (you never know what's been inside it, my jar had a label on it saying 'Pickled shallots - 2000' nice.) and dry it so that when you put the paper inside, it doesn't get ruined.
3) Wash any old labels off (if you can't get them off because it's leaving all the sticky bit behind - I hate that - run it under a hot tap and let it soak for about 5 minutes. When you come back to it, the label will be easy to pull off - clever eh?!)
4) Gather anything you can find that you could decorate the jar with. I've only given examples, you might think all mine are pants, if so scrap them and do whatever the heck you like!
5) Start with the label. Stick it onto the front of the jar. Take your time to make sure it's straight and doesn't have any creases in it.
6) Write something on the label with your decorative pens (don't forget what I said about that pineapple pen!) this could be just simple 'my memory jar 2014' or 'memories' or it could be something more imaginative:
Song lyrics about memories?
-A quote about memories? Maybe from your favourite book or poem?
I wrote 'happiness' on mine, because that's what it is, really, happiness in a jar!
7) Decide on the ribbon/bracelet/scarf you want to tie around the top, or whatever other creative ideas you may have, and tie it on. At this point, I also found a tiny pair of keys that came from one of those lockable diaries you used to get in magazines! I thought it might be a nice addition, so tied them on too.
8) Find some small slips of paper (or just rip some apart - lined paper actually would look really nice) and, when the 1st of January comes, start writing your memories and fill it up!

So there you have it! I lovely addition to your room, and another thing you have to remember to do! Good luck!
Elspeth x

Monday, 2 December 2013

Growing up beside you...

Okay so I've already covered the 'I'm growing up aah what am I doing with my life' thing in my previous post, and well and truly established that the fact that I am, indeed, growing up.
This blog post is not going to be a 'when I grow up I want to be...' one, as the title might suggest, but one of people I idolise/inspire me - not what you thought huh?!

Why that title then?
Well it struck me that seeing as I'm growing up, role models have become a big part of my life, and are an important part in anyone's teenage life. So I thought I would make a post about all of my role models (the 3 main ones and 2 little ones) and why they inspire me. 
I also thought it would be a slightly different/more interesting post to do, and I'll stick some youtubey bits in there too!
Here we gooo!:

Inspiration/Role model/Idol (whatever you want to call it) number 1:

Paloma Faith.
Paloma Faith is my favourite singer, and she inspires me everyday to basically not give two hoots what anyone thinks of you. She's one of the craziest, funniest people ever and people have mixed opinions on her - but as I said, she doesn't care!
I'm pretty crazy and, as I've said before, have a different taste in almost everything to pretty much all my friends, so I relate to Paloma. And quite often if I choose an outfit that I love, but other people might think is a bit odd, and don't know whether to wear it or not, I think 'What would Paloma do?' and then wear it. (I also think 'What if I see Paloma when I'm out and I look really boring?!' which is a fairly big worry of mine!)
She is the Queen of looking good, she wears the craziest/most incredible things and looks amazing all the time (I mean seriously she could wear a bin bag and still look amazing! What is her secret?!)

Reasons to love Paloma 1: She can blooming well sing! If you don't believe me, or disagree, if you would care to listen to this:
Love only leaves you lonely
Reasons to love Paloma 2: She always puts on the most amazing performances (I've seen her three times, and I consider all three to be three of the best nights of my life so far!)
I'd rather be an old man's sweetheart
Reasons to love Paloma 3: She dressed up as different people and interviewed herself!
Interview with herself
Reasons to love Paloma 4: She's hilarious!
Best moments
Best moments 2
Reasons to love Paloma 5: She has the most amazing house
Paloma Faith's Journey to the Brits

Inspiration/Role model/Idol (whatever you want to call it) number 2:

Jack and Finn (Jacksgap).
Jack and Finn are 20 year old identical twin brothers who are Youtubers (do videos for Youtube and get paid for it). They have a channel called 'Jacksgap' with 3 million subscribers, that was started off by Jack in his gap year (hence the name Jacksgap) but is now co-owned by Finn.
They are my favourite Youtubers, not only because they make amazing videos, but also because they really inspire me.
Reasons to love Jack and Finn number 1: They do so much for charity
The Rainbow Centre
South Africa Comic Relief
Using Social Media for Change
The Rickshaw Run
The Rickshaw Run - Trailer
Reasons to love Jack and Finn number 2: They're only 20, and have already been to so many places
Rome 2012
A Day in New York
My Bucket List
Reasons to love Jack and Finn number 3: They make me laugh
Twin Telepathy
Snail Mail 3
Inappropriate megaphoning
Meeting Daily Grace
Twin Cook Off
Reasons to love Jack and Finn number 4: They're really good at making films
Finn's Revenge
Reasons to love Jack and Finn number 5: They have already achieved 3 million subscribers! (this is their 2 million subs video because they haven't done a 3 million subs video yet grr!)
2 million subscribers

Inspiration/Role model/Idol (whatever you want to call it) number 3:

JK Rowling.
Author of my favourite book series, Harry Potter.
JK Rowling is a definite role model and inspiration to me, in many different ways. She is a truly incredible lady, and has been through her fair share of crap!
     Reasons to love JK Rowling number 1: She had depression, and got through it.
During writing Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression. She wrote the first book of the series in cafes, with her baby daughter asleep next to her. At times she felt suicidal, and used these feelings for her inspiration for the characters of the Dementors (creatures which feed of human happiness, and suck it out of the wizard and/or muggle (non-wizard), along with it's soul. The only way to rid of a dementor is to cast it away with a happy memory).
You can read more about her battle with depression here:
JK Rowling interview

Reasons to love JK Rowling number 2: She set up a charity called Lumos, (see the video below explaining what it is) after experiencing something dreadful, personally.
Reasons to love JK Rowling number 3: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was turned down by 12 publishers. Who are all probably constantly kicking themselves now. Good. They should be ashamed! One of the reasons was because they thought a woman would not be able to write such a story, hence why she is known as JK Rowling and not Joanne Kathleen Rowling, her full name The K (Kathleen) part was her grandma's name and was added in, because it sounds more like a man. Talk about sexist.
Reasons to love Joanne Kathleen Rowling number 4: She was pretty much completely penniless before  the first book was released, struggling to support both her and her daughter. To go from that to a millionaire is pretty incredible if you ask me!
Reasons to love Joanne Kathleen Rowling number 5: She temporarily lost her billionaire status, because of donating so much money to charity.

Besides these three main ones, I also have two mini ones who are:
Evanna Lynch (who plays Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter): because before she was in Harry Potter she was a massive Potterhead (absolutely loves Harry Potter). When Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix book came out, Evanna was planning on going to the book release, however was rushed to hospital due to her anorexia. She dreamed of being in Harry Potter, but never thought she would. 
However she overcame her anorexia, and was in Harry Potter - so you know, anything is possible (well besides turning into a unicorn but you get my drift).

Louise Pentland (SprinkleofGlitter): who's a Youtuber. She inspires me and, I know, definitely one of my friends hugely, because she basically just says to be yourself and not care what anyone else says about your size, personality etc. She's mainly a 'beauty guru' on Youtube, but she also does a lot of slightly 'deeper' videos such as:
and she's also flipping hilarious and super pretty!
She has also just started a series with her best friend Zoe (Zoella - also a Youtuber) called Chummy Chatter, where they talk about some very serious topics. They are pretty inspiring videos (probably for slightly older teenagers) but they are worth a look.

So there you have it! My role models/inspirations/idols/whatever you want to call them, the people I am growing up beside.

I hope this was a slightly more interesting blog post than normal, sorry it took so long! Putting all the videos in took a while haha!:)

Elspeth x